
the grass is always greener...

Oh yeah. I totally forgot. I started blogging a few months ago. I'm not sure if you can consider it "blogging" if I've only posted like 3 times but still... Let's just say that the last few weeks, well months really, have been, as per usual, intense. I literally have not had a moment to sit down and put a thought together, let alone type it all out cohesively. Ok well maybe that's not entirely true but it sure felt like it. Since I like doing this as a way of getting all of the stuff in my head out... well here goes...

Is it sad that the best way for me to tell what I have done recently or long it's been since something isn't to look at a calendar, it's to look back at the pictures on my iPhone. Let's just say that I had to really scroll back quite a ways to figure out where I had last left off blog-wise. Let's hit the highlight real, shall we?

We had our 2 year anniversary June 27th. Can it really be 2 years? I can't believe how fast that flew by. And how much we've done since then. New jobs, new homes, new states... I'm ready to slow down bit now please. It has been a absolutely wonderful 2 years and I'm so so sooooo blessed to be married to the most amazing man I know. Like seriously, the MOST amazing EVER! We celebrated by chowin down at Outback and hittin up the drive-in for a little Cars 2 action. Crazy romantic right! Yeah, we're getting better with age ;)

We got to take a little tripy-trip up to my parents over the 4th of July. We filled the week with going up the Upper Peninsula in MI to hang out with a little bundle of perfection I like to call Grams. We enjoyed all the wonders a bustling metropolis like Ishpeming, MI brings in the summer (if you've never been there, you can just tune this part out) pastys, cuhdighis, The Island, Jilberts, the giant "hot tub" known as Lake Superior, 4th o' July parade, picnic at the Sports Club, losing a piece of my heart finding out that Pamida is now a Shopko, Jubilee, Marquette Mall... pure magic!

We got to spend a day in our favorite city of all time and Cody got to check a big'en off of his bucket list. We finally toured Wrigley Field. Yeah, he was like a little kid in candy store. All I wanted out of the day was a Chicago dog. A real one! So I thought certainly, in Chicago, no matter where I go, I can get one. Sadly, the Cubby Bear let me down. Don't advertise it if you don't stock celery salt or peppers! (whew... better)

Our lives got really turned upside down when we finally moved into our new church building. We've been meeting in a movie theater since October and got to move into a space right next door last month. It is so nice to have a permanent home! We had a team come from our church back in TX to help out for a week, getting the place spiffed up. We figured that the work they did in 5 days probably would have taken us a month, so thank you! (You know who you are!) It's not a done deal yet, but when it is, I can't wait to share the before and after's. It's been so crazy to see the transformation.
After a jam-packed summer, I'm hoping that the fall will bring calm and normalcy. It's been a very rough month or 2 for us, well, me. We're in the process of looking for a place of our own. We've been blessed beyond belief to stay with Brad & Connie for the last 10 months but they have a baby coming in Oct. and we all need to get back to normal. Long story short, we had found a house but the owners were bad with money so we backed out and are now looking at apartments just to get into something quickly. It's been an extremely stressful process.
I've also found out a few months ago that I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS as us in the club like to call it. I get to, yes, get to, be on some very wonderful medication that makes me an absolute joy to be around. Who doesn't like someone who has the emotional capacity of 2 year old, crying at the drop of a hat, laughing the next and then throwing a huge, irrational fit. Creepy is probably how my husband would put it. (Yes you should feel sorry for him.) You don't know you're gonna have problems with all that baby-makin stuff until you start trying. You think it's gonna be just as easy as it was for your friends but... Well it's definitely not. After lots of Dr.s visits and tests, I'm still at square one. Just gonna keep on truckin with what I'm on now and take it month by month.

I say all that, even if it is TMI, to ask for prayer for these things. I figure what better way to get as many shout-outs up to the Big Man, right? Thanks for letting me spill all that :)

Love ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. we are praying for you sweetheart! Have you talked to Christie?? She babysat (yes BABYsat) for a woman with PCOS. Her daughter just turned one year old this summer :)
